Difference Between Stevia and Truvia

There are a variety of reasons as to why you might be looking for the best way to sweeten your baked goods and your beverages. Whether you’re preparing your morning coffee or if you’re baking cupcakes for your child’s class, sweeteners are necessary. Sugar is one of the best ways to add a sweetness to your food but many people are concerned with the detriments that it could have on your health. This is why manufacturers developed sweeteners such as Splenda, which also brought concerns to consumers about health. In today’s society, Stevia and Truvia are two organic sweeteners that people rely on.

What is Truvia?

As a sugar substitute, Truvia is one of the various brands that you can use to sweeten your food and beverages aside from sugar itself. One of the main ingredients in Truvia is erythirtol, a naturally occurring sugar alcohol that emulates the sweetness you’d find in sugar. One of the main reasons as to why people have begun using Truvia is because erythritol has 0 calories, making it a healthy alternative. It’s also said to not affect blood sugar, your teeth, and other medical ailments that you might be suffering from.

What is Stevia?

Unlike Truvia, Stevia is a sugar substitute that is derived directly from the Stevia plant. All of the leaves that you would find on this particular type of plant can be used as sweeteners and many people enjoy it because it is seen as the organic substitute to sugar. When manufactured, the purified steviosides are taken out of the leaves and are turned into crystals that can then be added to sweets and other types of food. Unlike traditional sugar, Stevia has a slight licorice taste which only helps to add to its sweet taste.

When it comes to medical health, Stevia can be beneficial as it can improve the tolerance of glucose in your body. It is also known to help lower the amount of fat stored in your body and reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in your system. Much like Truvia, it can also help to lower your blood sugar level and reduce your chances of developing diabetes along with inflammation.

When it comes to choosing an alternative to sugar, it is important to remember that there are healthier substitutes available to you. Whether Truvia or Stevia, they have medicinal benefits that wouldn’t find in regular sugar.

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