Difference Between Bed Bug Bites and Flea Bites

When it comes to both bed bugs and fleas, the first thing that you’ll want to take into consideration is how you’re going to get them out of your home. There are several different types of bites that you can get from insects and many individuals find themselves wondering whether they’re dealing with bed bugs or fleas. There are noticeable differences that you’ll be able to see on your body in the event that your infestation has lead to actual bites.

What are Fleas?

Fleas are a particular type of insect that are commonly known among pet owners as they love latching onto their skin, though you can also find fleas on a wide variety of different animals. These bugs enjoy sucking the blood out of the animal or person that they latch onto, right through their skin. Depending on your skin type, you might be more sensitive to these bites than other people, for example children might be more sensitive than their parents. When you are bit, it is essential that you avoid scratching as much as possible as it can lead to infections.

What are Bed Bugs?

If you’re a home owner you’re certainly aware of bed bugs as they are something that you will constantly try to avoid. When it comes to identifying their bites, it’s simple to distinguish them as they are large like mosquito bites. The bites will appear in a particular pattern that would make you believe that it’s not just an allergic reaction so that you can seek the proper treatment. These bugs love living in furniture, particularly when it comes to beds and couches and once they infest your home, it can be relatively difficult to get rid of.

The Size of the Bugs

When it comes to noticeable differences, the size is something to take into consideration with fleas and bed bugs. In most cases both of the bugs are relatively difficult to notice but it is substantially easier to spot bed bugs than fleas.

When the Bites Occur

Another huge advantage that you have over determining whether you’re dealing with bed bugs or fleas is the time of day that you’re dealing with the bites. Bed bugs are infamous for being nocturnal so you might find that you’ll wake up with bites instead of constantly having new bites appear throughout the day, like you would with fleas.

The Appearance of the Bites

When you first get bit, a flea bite will appear as a small circle of dots and bed bug bites are generally harder to the touch and will swell on your skin, much like mosquito bites. Also, fleas have the tendency to bite in a randomized pattern, whereas bed bugs will appear in a linear pattern.

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