Difference Between LCD and LED Display

What it is the difference between LCD and LED display? With so many innovations in technology these days it is not hard to understand why shoppers are confused. The interesting thing is that these two terms are almost as similar as they are different. Let’s take a closer look at the similarities and differences in LCD and LED display.

What is LCD?

LCD stands for liquid crystal display; basically LCD’s are flat panel displays that do not emit their own light. Light can pass through the screen or be blocked. LCD displays tend to be a little thicker or wider than LED’s. Some even believe that this makes the thinner LED a better product.

What is LED?

LED stands for Light emitting diode; LED’s also function by either allows light to pass through or blocks it. They both contain a double layer of polarized glass. Now we see the similarity between the two, LED’s have been described as a subset of the original LCD design.

Key Differences

One of the big difference between LCD and LED is that the liquid crystal display uses a fluorescent lights to provide elimination. LED on the other hand uses its name sake to provide elimination, light emitting diodes. There are other differences between the two display types.

The placement of the actual fluorescent light bulbs are behind the screen with a LCD display unite. On the other hand with LED the lights bulbs can be placed behind the screen as with the LCD, but are often placed along the side of the screen. The placement along the side of the screen allows for a thinner screen in the LED display.

Light Emitted

A more significant difference between the two is that the LED is a more efficient light energy source. The light emitting diode provides a cleaner more energy efficient source of energy, and is therefore often referred to as a green technology. In addition they also tend to provide not only cleaner energy but also a clearer picture, with a thinner screen.

Clear Picture

The reason for a clearer picture is partly due to a thinner screen. The bigger picture is that LED technology allows for a creator control of the color spectrums utilized while delivering light to the double polarized glass screens. Here in lies the major difference between LCD and LED, LED’s have the ability to control the color of light emitted.

How it Works

LED works with distinct red, green and blue lights. LED technology is truly a revolutionary change in the way a display can be viewed. It has the capability of producing more a more realistic color spectrum while providing a very clean and clear picture.

Although for different reason both the LED and the LCD can have angle view and anti-glare problems within particular units based on their overall design properties. So, to summarize LCD and LED are similar in principle of design, yet often very defervesce when looking at the specific end products. To decide which technology is a better fit, it is best to look at the whole package.

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