Difference Between Caiman and Alligator

Most people think caiman, alligator and crocodile are all members of the same family. Many people confuse the appearances of the three and use the names interchangeably. Neither is a caiman an alligator nor are the two crocodiles. There is substantial difference among the three. Let us first list the differences between crocodiles and the family of caiman and alligator.

All three are reptiles and of the order crocodylia. Caiman and alligator belong to the genus alligator and species alligator mississippiensis. Crocodiles tend to have V shaped mouths, including the nose. In contrast, an alligator or a caiman would have a U shaped mouth. There are many other differences in physical features and also behavioral characteristics. A crocodile can grow much longer than a caiman or alligator. There are large crocodiles as long as twenty five feet. Forty feet large crocodiles have also been found in various rain forests across the world. Caiman or an alligator would not grow as large.

Now that you know the difference between crocodile and the others, let us focus on the difference between caiman and alligator.

Difference in Size

A caiman is usually smaller than an alligator. Typically, a caiman can grow up to five feet. Seven feet long is usually the maximum. Most adult caimans would be anywhere from five to seven feet in length. Alligators can be of that length depending on the particular species or subspecies but they usually grow up to a length of fourteen or fifteen feet. There are alligators that grow as large as twenty feet, but that is rare. The bottom line is that a caiman would be half the size of an alligator.

Difference in Physical Features

An alligator and a caiman have the same type of mouth and nose. A caiman may have a shaper nose. An alligator may have a slightly slimmer jaw line. An alligator is longer than a caiman so it appears to have a taller or longer face. Depending on the species or subspecies of alligator and caiman, there can be a number of differences in facial features. For instance, a caiman would have a bony structure around its eyes. An alligator could have different scales or certain patterns on the body that a caiman may not sport. The exact length of the body, tail and the limbs will also depend on the species or subspecies of a caiman or alligator.

A caiman will have a substantially shorter tail than the alligator and the latter would have a slightly blunter head than the caiman. Although the face or the head of an alligator may appear to be slimmer than an average caiman, the tip or the end of the mouth of a caiman may appear pointier than an alligator.

Difference in Behavior

A caiman is a small reptile when it is born but it grows quickly. Just a few years old, a caiman can be as long as three to four feet. It is known to grow as quickly as one foot per year. In just five short years, a caiman can go from a small reptile kept in a box to a large reptile unsuitable for domestication. There is a reason why caimans or alligators are not allowed to be domesticated. They are considered dangerous animals and often confined to the realms of exotic pet dealers and labs. Most states in the United States don’t allow caimans or alligators as pets.

There isn’t much difference in the behavior of a caiman and alligator. They both are relatively quick, certainly quicker than a crocodile. They look subdued but they can unleash havoc should they feel threatened, need to survive or just go outright crazy. Both caiman and alligator have razor sharp teeth which are hidden underneath the upper jaw. Their upper jaw is larger than the lower jaw, unlike the crocodiles. It is best to steer absolutely clear of a caiman or alligator, regardless of where you are and if the reptile is known to be a serial attacker.

Diversity of Caiman and Alligator

Caimans and alligators have several variants. The caimans found in the Americas, particularly in South and Central America, are different from those found in Asia. The alligators found in north eastern United States are different from those found in the central plains of India. Likewise, the alligators in Australia are different from those found in the Mediterranean. Caimans are not found everywhere in the world. They are most common in the western hemisphere. Alligators are common almost all over the world, barring the very cold temperate and frigid zones.

Depending on the species and subspecies of a caiman and alligator, you would find noticeable difference in the type of scales on their bodies, the exact texture and color along with other factors such as diet and tendency to attack.

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