Difference Between Apple iPhone4 and 4S

Difference Between Apple iPhone4 and 4S

Apple is at it again with a brand new iPhone 4, but which one should you choose? The iPhone 4 brought so much commotion that it didn’t take long for iPhone 4S to be launched and steal the spotlight from the Apple 4 phone. Apple iPhone 4S has arrived in the market and is ready to take you to the unlimited fun. This new phone has been introduced with the very latest features and applications that are able to provide you with a new experience.

Size and Specifications

Carrying the same surface as the previous phone, the iPhone 4S has included some very new and updated features. Users have found the new phone with a wider display measuring 3.5 inches and featuring LED back lit touch screen display with 640 x 960 pixels of density. The phone is considered easier to operate with the help of iOS 5 and A5 chipset. Besides, iOS 5 has given you a very strong reason to get away from your computer when you want to upgrade its software you can get the software updated on the handset itself.

Software and Applications

Beyond its updated operating system, the phone comes with its latest and exciting application iCloud software which is capable of storing your data and syncing all your data wirelessly to all your devices. On the other hand, its iMessage can send any data including MMS, Videos, Text or Photos over Wi-Fi or wireless carriers to other Apple devices. And it saves you money if your plan does not include free text messaging. With the help of Apple iPhone 4S, you can send any photos or video to your iPad also.

In addition to the above features and applications, the new phone has a very high end primary camera of 8MP that can record the moments of your life with 1080p quality. And its secondary camera provides you video chatting capabilities with VGA quality. The most attractive part of the phone is its memory capacity. Apple has also introduced its latest iPhone 4S in three versions, all have been classified in terms of memory capacity.

Video and Audio

Apple claims that both phones provide an approximate time of 40 hours for audio playback and 10 hours for video playback, but there are differences that will be revealed when voice, mobile Internet Wi-Fi use will be considered. For the iPhone 4, 6 hours of Internet use on 3G is allowed while 8 hours for the iPhone 4S.

Data and Connectivity

There are other differences between the two phones including software, connectivity, and data. In the end, it is up to the consumers to evaluate if it will be worth holding on to the one phone that you currently own, or take the jump and purchase a new and improved phone from Apple.

Difference Between Xbox 360 and Xbox360 Slim

Difference Between Xbox 360 and Xbox360 Slim

To many consumers, there would seem to be very little difference between the XBox 360 and the XBox 360 Slim, but upon closer examination, a variety of changes have been made to the slimmer version of the popular gaming console. How do these two gaming systems compare and contrast with one another? Let’s take a look.


While these two models are both members of the same family, the XBox 360 Slim is not only smaller than the original XBox 360 model, but also comes in an array of different color schemes that were not available to consumers. Instead of only having a dull off white or black coloration to choose from, the XBox 360 Slim is clad in a shinier black gloss coating.


Clearly, the 360 Slim model weighs much less than the XBox 360, but it is not so slim that you will lose it inside of your home. It is important to note that the Slim can be safely hidden behind the XBox 360 model, however.


Consumers had regularly complained about the XBox 360’s dependence on a wireless connection. Being able to connect to the Internet with ease is a feature that most serious gamers crave and after attempting to entice users with the XBox Live service, this issue was rectified during the creation of the Slim model.

Now, Xbox 360 Slim users are able to enjoy a top notch wireless Internet connection, the ability to connect quickly and can also connect to the Internet from any location, as opposed to being forced to remain within the cable’s length from their wireless router connection.


The XBox 360 Slim also comes with enhanced storage capabilities, which was another common complaint from XBox 360 owners. The storage is still removable, but has been expanded from 160 gigabytes to 250 gigabytes. This gives users increased ability to store all of their movies, music, game progress and any other odds and ends on their own drive.

The consumer is not limited to the storage provided by the XBox 360 Slim, either. If you should require additional storage, you also have the option of plugging in your own external storage unit. For those who are particularly worried about storage capability, the XBox 360 Slim is the system of choice.

Sound and Noise Level

The noise factor has also been a point of contention for the XBox 260 aficionado. Even the most charitable observers compared the noise level that was created by turning on the console to standing next to a jet engine. Microsoft heard the complaints and rectified them before putting out the XBox 360 Slim, creating a quieter system that is easier on the ears.


The controllers remain the same and there is only one in the standard packaging for each system. When it comes to using Kinect, there are some major differences. While it does work for both of the consoles, it does not work as easily for the older XBox 360 model. There will be instances where the console does not provide enough power to run Kinect on its own, it will need to be plugged in separately.

The 360 Slim comes with a socket in the back that allows you to run the system and Kinect on a single connection. This decreases the amount of clutter in your entertainment area, which is a huge plus for those who own multiple gaming consoles. Neither system has Blu-Ray capability and no changes have been made to the console’s speed.

The value conscious shopper may simple decide to opt for the original XBox 360. While the 360 Slim has been reasonably priced and cost the same as the older model upon release, stores that wish to liquidate their stock of the older models often decide to slash the prices on the original 360. Microsoft has discontinued production on the 360, which means retailers everywhere will be looking to get rid of their stock.

Which System Should You Choose?

Deciding between the 360 and the 360 Slim is a matter of personal preference. Many of the most important aspects of the 360 have not been changed or altered in any way, which decreases user motivation to head out to the store and spend $199 or $299 on a brand new system.

The 360 Slim’s total package is superior to the one offered by the original 360. For users who have been complaining about the 360’s lack of storage capability and inability to formulate a rapid wireless connection, the 360 Slim is the way to go. Increased freedom to connect in a wireless fashion is typically the primary motivating factor for users who eventually decide to make the switch.

Unless you are particularly infatuated with the 360 Slim’s particular feel and look, there is very little reason to make the switch. USB drives can be used on the original 360 to increase the storage capability and if the lack of wireless is problematic, a wireless dongle can remedy this issue. The single socket plug for Kinect is a plus, but many homes have additional plugs behind their television set and can handle multiple connections.

There is no denying that the 360 Slim looks much cooler than its older, more clunky counterpart. If you have recently experienced issues with your 360, then the 360 Slim is a more than adequate replacement. But, it is important to remember that most of the differences between the two system are merely cosmetic in nature.

Difference Between Quartz and Granite

Difference Between Quartz and Granite

Anyone thinking of adding quartz or granite counter-tops to their home should consider the differences and details. Consideration must be given to you own personal tastes and needs, as well as exactly how these two materials hold up.

There are both pros and cons for each material. This article will attempt to shine the light on quartz and granite in a way that assists homeowners in making the right choice.

The first major difference we need to discuss is the fact that granite is mined. It is a natural creation of nature with 100% natural stone. What that means is that no two slabs are exactly alike. Some people like this and others don’t.

Quartz counter-tops may look very natural but are actually manufactured. Quartz is crushed and then mixed in with a binding agent like resin. The patterns and colors you see are purely artificial. Naturally the quartz is real, however, the rest of the counter-top is of human design.


Granite is mined and comes out in big natural chunks. That means the slabs are all imperfect even though they are beautiful to look at. It can be difficult to match up the consistency of the patterns to a kitchen decor, but some believe it’s well worth trying. It is mostly popular with people who desire to have something unique.

Many people are under the impression that granite is unbreakable. This is a misconception. It is indeed very strong but will chip fairly easy from dropped pans or prolonged use. Still, they can last for up to 50 years without suffering a scratch. Maintenance is key when you have granite counter-tops.

Another important point is if you use granite for creating a small, square-shaped counter-top, then it could be done with one piece. However, if you’re creating a longer counter-top you may need several pieces joined together. The problem with having several pieces is that the seams are next to impossible to hide.

The best way to maintain a granite counter-top is to seal them regularly (1 to 3 years depending on amount of use). Sealants help to keep the granite from staining and collecting liquids (it is very porous and not naturally a stain-resistant material). The heavier the use the more often it should be sealed.


One of the things people like the most about quartz is that it’s stainless and requires no sealing. When you have a quartz counter-top you have zero maintenance. That is a huge selling point for a lot of families, especially when they have children.

While quartz is ‘stainless’ it will still discolor if left exposed to sunlight for too long. Placing them in front of windows could prove to be a costly move.

Quartz can hold its own against granite in the strength department, especially in terms of chipping. Quartz is considered a bit stronger due to its flexibility. Under severe strain granite would be more likely to crack than quartz. As far as weight is concerned, quartz is heavier than granite. Both materials should be installed by professionals.

When it comes to the seams that are nearly impossible to hide with granite, if you use a darker shade of quartz you can get a very sleek and clean seam that hardly shows.

The Money Factor

Granite: This material gives you a broader variety of prices. The cheapest and lowest grade can be installed for around $30 a square foot. If you choose to go high-end and get something exotic and rare, it can cost you around $150 a square foot. The average costs are around $60 a square foot.

Quartz: This material has always cost more than granite, however, with new technology making its way into how we do everything, things are not so far apart as they used to be. You can find quartz running you from $65 to $100 a square foot.

Most of the information listed above reveals that quartz seems to be leading in most categories. It is non-porous which means spilling wine or other very staining agents onto it has no effect. It wipes right up. The maintenance is practically non-existent. It cleans up with soap and water.

Quartz is also made to be hygienic. It makes it harder for bacteria to grow than granite does. In families with children being able to prepare food on your counter-tops is a really key point.

Still, even with all the points made in this article, this debate between quartz and granite has been going on seemingly forever. It comes down to a matter of personal taste and how it will be used. You need to make a choice based on your lifestyle, home design, and personal preference.

Whether you are remodeling a kitchen or a bathroom, the ‘best’ choice all boils down to you. The best thing to do is to read articles like this one and some reviews and come to the best conclusion for your personal project. Either material can work well when installed properly and can add an elegant look to any kitchen or bathroom remodeling project.