Difference Between Moonroof and Sunroof

Sunroof and moonroof may sound to be the same. They also appear to be the same thing. It doesn’t help that manufacturers, advertisers and even the salespeople in automobile showrooms use the terms interchangeably. There are indeed similarities between moonroof and sunroof but there are differences as well.

The two are not as tricky to answer as the chicken or egg riddle. Sunroof was designed and developed first. After being in use for decades, Ford designed or came up with the concept of the first moonroof. It was circa 1970s when the idea was developed and the first moonroofs were floated around in then contemporary cars. Today, moonroof is almost a standard feature in developed countries.

Technical Difference Between Moonroof and Sunroof.

A sunroof is essentially a small panel in the roof of the car that can be opened or slid away, thus opening up a part of the roof which allows in sunlight and air. A sunroof was originally designed to allow air and sunlight. In some cars thereon, it was only preferred to have some light in but not air. In such cases, designs were altered to allow air to pass by but some light to come in. Likewise, there were certain designs that prevented direct sunlight but allowed free flow of air.

It was deemed necessary for long distance travels when cars would get hot and the interiors would become too uncomfortable. We are talking about those days when cars did not have state of the art heating or cooling systems, certainly not ventilation for the occupants. Engines are not the only components that need optimum ventilation.

A moonroof is almost like a sunroof but it doesn’t really open up the roof. It is made of glass which just allows the light to come in. Sunroofs were typically metal panels, they had the same color as that of the car and they have to be physically opened outward or slid away to create the opening. A moonroof may not need you to open any panel. You can just slide the panel inside your car, usually upholstered with some fabric, and you would have the glass allowing light in. A moonroof doesn’t necessarily allow air in. However, you can get a combine of a moonroof and sunroof these days. That is a glass panel which can also be opened or slid away to make an opening for natural air circulation.

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