Difference Between Evaporated and Condensed Milk

Many people think that evaporated and condensed milk are the same. Many think they are a world apart. Neither view is entirely accurate. There is substantial difference between evaporated and condensed milk.

Difference Between Evaporated and Condensed Milk

Technically, evaporated and condensed milk mean the same. Evaporation, the natural process, is followed by condensation. Both processes lead to loss of water. Hence, both evaporated and condensed milk are made by ridding water. The exact process of reducing the water content will impact the density of the milk, the quality and quantity, the nutrients and also flavor.

There are many similarities between evaporated and condensed milk. They are thicker than normal milk, the shelf life is longer, the texture is creamier and you can toy with different recipes. Now, let us get to the difference between evaporated and condensed milk.

Evaporated milk is not sweetened. Condensed milk will have additonal sweetener or sugar. Evaporated milk will not undergo any sweetening process. As a result, condensed milk tastes sweeter. Some manufacturers will highlight that condensed milk is sweetened. Some will not tell you. Regardless of whether they tell you or not, whether the label mentions it or not, be sure that condensed milk will have added sugar. Evaporated milk cannot have added sugar. If a manufacturer does add sugar to get rid of the relatively blander taste, then the company is wronging the consumers. If any evaporated milk does have added sugar, then it must be mentioned on the label and it effectively defeats the purpose and defies the classification.

Depending on the manufacturer or brand, you can expect to have condensed milk containing up to 50% sugar in the can. Hence, it is rich and thick. The sweet flavor is liked by millions and it also becomes a ready ingredient for many dishes, especially desserts and sweets. Myriad types of pies are made using condensed milk. Most upscale cafes serve condensed milk to go with their coffee or tea. Unless otherwise mentioned as evaporated milk or unadulterated and unprocessed milk, assume that you are being served condensed milk.

Evaporated milk is mostly used in gourmet recipes. Savory dishes also make great use of evaporated milk. Such dishes cannot use condensed milk. Evaporated milk is sold as low fat, skim or whole milk. Evaporated milk is used in desserts or sweets that don’t have to be too sugary. Evaporated milk is ideal for diabetics and those who are watching their waistline.

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