Difference Between Blackberries and Black Raspberries

Blackberries and black raspberries may seem like a clever play of words. You may presume they are the same and you wouldn’t be alone. Numerous companies and even some dieticians and nutritionists tend to propagate the idea that blackberries and black raspberries are the same. That is not the case. There is some substantial difference between blackberries and black raspberries, despite the apparent and the obvious similarities.

Difference Between Blackberries and Black Raspberries

Let us begin with blackberry. Blackberries are larger in size. If you delve deeper into the biology of it all, then the single cells of blackberries are larger. That also causes the bulge you get to see. Also, blackberries have the ‘plug’ where you see the berry clinging onto the stem. Blackberries have more prominent protective hairs which also make them glossier. In contrast, black raspberries are smaller and they have relatively shorter or smaller hair. They are often referred to as ‘blackcap’ because there is no ‘plug’. Black raspberries come off without the stem clinging onto the berry at the plug. Single cells are smaller in size and it doesn’t have as pronounced bulges as the blackberry.

Blackberries are usually sweet. They are sweeter than red raspberry. Also, blackberries are not as much tart as red raspberries. Black raspberries are fruitier to taste. They are not as tart as blackberries. However, black raspberries are not as sweet as blackberries because they don’t contain as much sugar. It is quite difficult to pit the taste of black raspberries against other berries because it is unique in a way and doesn’t really taste like other berries.

Blackberries are considered to be very healthy and they indeed are. However, black raspberries are loaded with more antioxidants than blackberries. Blackberries are also rich in sugar so many people would have to opt for smaller servings and diabetics may not be able to consume them at all. It would be wrong to infer that black raspberries don’t have this issue at all because it is not yet studied to that extent but it does contain less sugar than other berries. Black raspberries are loaded with fiber and anthocyanins, which make them a healthier alternative.

Blackberries are good but black raspberries are better for your health. When you buy specific items claiming to have either or both, check the labels because many companies use extracts and special recipes, which may not actually be made of black raspberries.

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