Dictatorship Advantages and Disadvantages List

A dictatorship is a form of government where all of the power lays in the hands of a single person, or a very small group. There are many different characterstics that are associated with a dictatorship type of government, and very few of them are good. There is a reason that these types of governments tend to collapse very quickly, and the country’s citizens suffer greatly. While it may seem that there is no good to come from a dictatorship, there are actually a couple advantages of the simplicity. Before you judge it too harshly, you should take the time to learn all about the good and bad that a dictator can bring to a country.

The Advantages of a Dictatorship

1. No Red Tape
Laws, policies, and other political changes can happen almost instantly. This is because with only one person calling the shots, there is no one that they have to go through to get things passed and approved. Depending on the situation, this can be very beneficial.

2. Very Low Crime Rates
There are often very harsh and strict punishments for even the smallest of crimes in a dictatorship. The result is a exponentially lower crime rate than countries who do not operate underneath a dictatorship.

3. Quick Progression
Dictators often have a single, or few, major goals that they are trying to get accomplished. Since they are in complete control of everything from laws to the economy, they are able to move towards these goals very quickly.

The Disadvantages of a Dictatorship

1. No Checks or Balances
One of the things that keeps a government running smoothly is the checks and balances systems. This means that there are different branches of the government that can monitor the others. In a dictatorship this doesn’t exist. So no matter what is being done, there is no one to intervene and try to stop it.

2. Very Prone To Collapse
The people tend to get tired of the dictator and their extreme rules very quickly. For this reason, revolutions and complete collapse of these societies is very common and tends to happen extremely quickly.

3. Rights of the People are Hindered
Dictators want everyone to worship and obey them, and only them. For this reason, rights like free speech are eradicated in a a dictatorship. This oppression only leads to violence, ignorance, and a lack of innovation from the country or region.

4. People Are Killed
Since there is no one to keep the order, people are killed for very small reasons. All through out history it has been shown that the rate of government enforced executions in a dictator ran country is exponentially higher than in areas with different and more stable forms of government.

5. Dictators Stink
The biggest conflict with dictatorship is that people get power hungry very easily. Even the best of intentions can become selfishness and greed at the expense of the citizens of society.

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Important Facts About Dictatorships

  • The former heavyweight boxing champion, Idi Amin Dada, appointed himself the ruler, or dictator, of Uganda all through out the 1970’s.
  • Most dictators have deep mental problems, including delusions.
  • Adolf Hitler is one of the most infamous dictators in all of history.
  • For all of the 19th and 20th century, dictatorships and constitutional democracy where the two most prevalent types of government.
  • One of the earliest known dictators was Napoleon Bonaparte of France.
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