Difference Between Dandruff and Lice

Washing hair regularly isn’t simply beneficial to our locks; it also helps to improve the health of our scalp. Although a lot of people fail to realize it, our scalp plays an important role in hair growth and health which is why we should keep it at peak condition at all times. When we fail to take care of our scalp, however, there are a handful of different conditions that could cause great discomfort and irritation if allowed to persist. Two of the most common scalp problems known today are dandruff and lice.

What is Dandruff?

Have you ever brushed your hands through your hair to find small, white flakes falling out of it? Ever noticed dust like particles on your shoulders, pillowcase, or even your work space? Odds are, it’s dandruff. This common scalp problem is actually not dust or dirt, but bits of skin that have sloughed off of your scalp. Sometimes, dandruff comes hand in hand with an itchy sensation or irritation, but there are times when it occurs on its own without any other signs or symptoms.

What Causes Dandruff?

Just like all the other areas of skin on your body, dandruff naturally occurs as a bodily function to ensure that your scalp is kept healthy. But there are times when dandruff occurs as a symptom of a scalp condition. Oftentimes, when the scalp isn’t properly moisturized, dandruff will occur secondary to drying of the skin. Another common condition that can cause dandruff is seborrheic dermatitis, which causes larger flakes that are oily and moist to the touch.

How to Get Rid of Dandruff

Because dandruff happens secondary to a different condition, it’s important to resolve the problem at the roots to ensure that the dandruff stays away for good. Using an anti-dandruff shampoo in place of your regular shampoo will work to moisturize your scalp and provide it instant relief, often with menthol and mint ingredients. There are also lots of different home remedies that you can try, with some of the most common being lemon juice and olive oil.

What are Lice?

If you’ve experienced significant itchiness and have managed to detect a few small bug like creatures in your hair, you probably have lice. These small parasites infest the scalp and feed on the host’s blood by attaching to the scalp with their mouths. They feed around 3 to 5 times in a day, and lay eggs by attaching them to the shafts of the hair just a few millimeters away from the scalp. Lice can be easily transferred from one host to another, which is why they’re common among people in crowded areas like schools and workplaces.

What Causes Lice?

Some believe that lice infestations occur as a result of poor hygiene, but that’s not actually the case. Lice can be transferred to anyone as long as they may enough contact for the lice to have the opportunity to move to their new host. Lice only survive off of human hosts, which is why they can’t be acquired from pets and other animals. Usually, lice live in trees when in the wild, and jump into human hair when in search of a host. They multiply on the scalp as well, and could easily grow close to the hundreds if they’re left to thrive for over a week.

How to Get Rid of Lice

There are over the counter treatments that you can buy to get rid of lice. A few home remedies have also been devised to help infested hosts kill lice and get rid of them for good. Some home treatments include garlic and lime juice, Vaseline, coconut oil, almond oil, and olive oil. It’s also possible to remove the lice manually by using a nit comb and running it through the hair to remove lice and eggs, but this might not be efficient at removing all existing pests. It also helps to wash hair with a strong cleansing shampoo to destroy eggs and kill living lice.

The Difference Between Lice and Dandruff

Dandruff is basically a skin condition that indicates poor scalp health. When the scalp is poorly nourished and dry, it tends to break and create small flakes of skin which consequently fall out. These small flakes of skin are what we see on shoulders, in hair, and other areas where hair might be. The best way to resolve dandruff is to nourish the skin and prevent dryness. For specific skin conditions, the use of proper medical and home-based treatments could bring about relief and resolve.

Lice on the other hand are small creatures that infest the scalp, regardless of whether or not it’s clean. These pests do not choose their hosts, and simply need a human carrier to thrive and survive. Lice can be removed with several home remedies and over the counter treatments, but they can occur again if a person comes in contact with someone who has them.

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