Difference Between Cilia and Flagella

when it comes to examining the inner parts of calls, it can get pretty complicated. Cilia and flagella are essentially the auxiliary parts of cells. Even though they are typically mistaken for one another, it is important to note that cilia and flagella are not one in the same. It is important to know what the function of these parts of cells are in order to understand why they are so different. Having a better understanding of the differences between the two allows you to correctly identify each part. Here are the main differences between cilia and flagella:

Dust Accumulation

It is a good idea to understand that cilia are designed to get rid of dust. This means that cilia have the specific design to get rid of dust and keep it from accumulating. This means that the dust will not accumulate on the breathing tubes due to the thin layer of mucus that accumulates on the tubes. This mucus accumulates on the tubes due to the cilia.

What Are Flagella?

Flagella are so unique because they are used by sperm cells. The flagella are essential because they are what push the sperm cells through the female reproductive organ. This means that flagella and cilia have completely different functions within cells. This means that it is much simpler to differentiate the two types than many realize.


It is also important for you to be aware of the differences that exist in the shapes of cilia and flagella. The shapes of the two are something that you can use to tell them apart. Cilia are unique because they are very small in size and often look similar to a hair follicle. They cover the cell and are what keep the dust from accumulating due to their size. Flagella are different from cilia in their size because they are not quite as small and are required to be larger in order to push the cell through the reproductive organ. This means that size alone can be a major way to tell the two apart. Flagella are longer in size and the length difference between the two is pretty noticeable.

It is also important to know that cilia are typically found in multi-cellular organisms, but flagella are found in organisms that only have one cell. This is another way that you can tell them apart. Just know that cilia and flagella are not one in the same.

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