Difference Between 16GB and 32GB iPad

The Apple iPad has become a common electronic accessory and it comes in a variety of different sizes. While it can be tough for a person to decide between the 16 GB iPad and the 32 GB iPad, this decision should be made based on the usage needs of the consumer. The two devices may seem similar on paper, but there are a key differences that a consumer should be aware of before making a purchase.

What Are the Differences?

The 16 GB iPad is perfect for the person who does not need a great deal of storage space. If you are someone who simply uses their tablet to browse the Internet or check your e-mails each day, then the 16 GB iPad will suit you quite nicely. But a person who has greater storage demands may want to look into purchasing the 32 GB iPad.

Which One is Right For You?

A user who uses their tablet to play games, download all of the newest apps and watch feature films should choose the 32 GB iPad, as it provides the additional storage space needed for these activities. Another key difference between the 16 GB iPad and the 32 GB iPad is the pricing structure.

Cost Differential

For every additional gigabyte, Apple charges the consumer extra. The difference between the 16 GB and 32 GB iPad is roughly $100, which could be the deciding factor for many consumers. There are ways for the user to add extra storage without purchasing an iPad with more storage capacity, but even iCloud storage comes with a modest fee.

Media Use

The more streaming that you do, the more storage you need. Even those who do not stream full length movies on their iPad should think twice about purchasing the 16 GB if they plan on streaming YouTube videos and music files on their tablet. An iPad is capable of compressing these files, but only up to roughly 15 percent.

As you can imagine, this will eat up any extra space you have very quickly. That’s why the main difference between the two iPad is the storage size. You will need to evaluate your usage needs and decide whether the additional space is truly important to you. The more games, apps, television shows and movies that you download and stream, the less space you are going to have for other forms of storage, so tread wisely.

There are options available to the consumer to increase storage space, but these typically involve the purchase of an eternal storage unit or the use of iCloud storage. While there are very few major differences between the 16 GB iPad and the 32 GB iPad, a consumer must be well aware of what they are trying to accomplish before making a decision. The casual browser typically favors the 16 GB, while those who require more from their tablet will opt for the 32 GB.

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