Biomass Energy Advantages and Disadvantages

The energy crisis is one of the most prominent issues in today’s society. Finding new and improved forms of renewable energy has become the primary goal of many scientists all across the world. Biomass energy is one example of this research. Biomass energy is created by burning various waste products, and using the heat that is created to make energy that can be converted into electricity. This is an amazing advancement in the energy field because it is reducing waste, while at the same time creating energy. However, just like all types of energy, it doesn’t come without it’s problems. Let’s take a look at the good and bad of biomass energy.

The Advantages of Biomass Energy

1. A Renewable Form of Energy
The biggest advantage of biomass energy is the simple fact that it is a completely renewable source of energy. This means that it will never run out, because we create it ourselves. This is much more efficient than using fossil fuels, which are rapidly running out and take millions of years to regenerate.

2. Helps Reduce The Amount of Waste
Another great characteristic of biomass energy is the fact that in order to create it, waste must be burned. This waste can range from lumber scarps, manure, to even some types of trash. With our over flowing landfills, this can only be seen as a great part of biomass energy.

3. It’s Carbon Neutral
While biomass energy does create some levels of pollution, it doesn’t emit the green house gases that cause things like global warming. This is a major problem in the energy field, things like fossil fuels create massive amounts of carbon monoxide gases that harm the entire atmosphere. Biomass energy doesn’t create this.

4. Can Be Produced Anywhere
There is waste everywhere in the world, which means that the potential to create biomass energy is everywhere in the world as well. This is a wonderful advantage because most types of energy sources require special locations in order to be productive.

The Disadvantages of Biomass Energy

1. Still Creates Pollution
Biomass energy is not a completely clean source of energy. The burning of the waste creates harmful smoke and releases chemicals into the air that contribute to the ever growing pollution problem that is beginning to plague the world. Many people believe that this single con greatly outweighs the pros of this form of energy.

2. The Efficiency is Questioned
While burning the waste does create a hefty amount of energy, it doesn’t go as far as the energy collected from other types of fuels. This causes further concerns as to whether or not it is truly a good option for energy.

3. Deforestation and Other Environmental Issues
One of the best resources used in the production of biomass energy is lumber. This means trees, which are sometimes collected from lumber scarp yards. However, more often than not, these trees are harvested from forests, which causes a great deal of damage to the environment.

4. You Need a Lot of Space
Another big flaw with this type of energy source is that it requires a huge amount of space to produce. The plants have to constructed, and they are, for a lack of better word, massive! They have to have places to house the waste that will burned, the area to burn the waste safely, and all of the equipment and storage to generate and harness the power that is created.

Important Facts About Biomass Energy

  • By definition, biomass is all plant and animal matter that is on the entire planet.
  • Burning wood for heat and light is one of the most primitive beginnings of biomass energy.
  • Biomass energy is predicted to make up nearly half of the worlds energy production by 2020.
  • Wood is the most efficient resource to create energy from.
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