Samsung Galaxy S3 Otterbox vs Ballistic

Samsung Galaxy S3 Otterbox vs Ballistic

Samsung introduced in the market its latest products these past few days. And such products include the new galaxy S3 otterbox and the galaxy S3 ballistic. The stated android phones have cool designs and amazing features that can truly satisfy the demands of those individuals who do not want to waste their moneys on the products that are not quality tested. And in this article, the stated android phones will be compared for the benefit of the consumers who are interested to purchase one of it in the market these coming days and weeks.

Basic Features

The comparison between galaxy S3 otterbox and Samsung galaxy S3 ballistic can be created only with the use of its basic features. In terms of design, both android phones have excellent ratings due to the high quality materials that Samsung has successfully integrated in the production of the cases of such products. These android phones have similar colors and features which can never be found in the other brands of android phones in the market nowadays. However, some of the things that are present in the physical appearance and composition of these android phones have complicated issues that are not acceptable in the eyes of those individuals who have already tried to use it in the past.


One of the best characteristics of these products of Samsung that the consumers can compare is the size. The size of these products can be measure with the use of its dimensions: the width and the length. In terms of width, the Samsung galaxy S3 ballistic is wider with its exact width measurement of 3.1 inches. The measurement of the width of galaxy S3 otterbox is only 3.0. In terms of length, the Samsung galaxy S3 otterbox is longer since it has an exact length measurement of 5.65 inches compared to the length of ballistic which is only 5.59 inches.


Some consumers claimed that these android phones are incomparable to each other in terms of quality. But what’s the main reason why the other consumers are not interested to compare galaxy S3 otterbox and Samsung galaxy S3 ballistic? According to some individuals who have already tried to purchase these two models of android phones from Samsung, both products are good yet there’s a big different in the quality of the covers. Maybe the difference is in the composition and durability.

Most of the consumers said that Samsung galaxy S3 ballistic is more reliable compared to the otterbox due to its high quality cover and stylistic design. The android phone is not only reliable in terms of performance. But also, it can stay durable for several years because of its high quality case or cover which is highly resistant to scratches and damages. Some consumers gave negative feedbacks on the cover of galaxy S3 otterbox because it is very flexible and its original design can never be restore once its flexible cover has been stretched. So these are the things that the consumers need to remember always while comparing the android phones that were stated in this article. Use this set of information while reviewing the stated products to attain much better conclusions.

Samsung Galaxy Sii Siii Comparison

Samsung Galaxy Sii Siii Comparison

Samsung is one of the best manufacturers of high quality android phones in the market nowadays. And some of the best examples of great accomplishments of this company are the Samsung galaxy S2 and Samsung galaxy S3. These two android phones have remarkable performance and extremely amazing features that will surely satisfy the demands of those consumers who want to live a very luxurious life in this world at the present time. But in this article, these two android phones will be compared to each other to each to see the things that the consumers should like about the characteristics and features of these products.


One of the things that the consumers can compare about the characteristics of Samsung galaxy S2 and Samsung galaxy S3 is the presence of plastic covers or casing in its features. The usual color of the plastic case of the S2 is black. And its contemporary design makes it one of the most elegant and unique smartphones that the consumers can try to purchase in the market at the present time. Such characteristics are also present in the design of S3 but more improvements were added in its greater finish. The stated android phone has successfully exceeded the quality of its predecessor in terms of design.

It is because the design of Samsung galaxy S3 is already more elegant with its wide variety of colors and smoother finish. The case of this android phone looks more elegant and shiny compared to the cover of its predecessor which is the Samsung galaxy S2. But in terms of durability, S2 remains the best since its plastic case is thicker and stronger compared to what the Samsung galaxy S3 has. At this stage, the winner is the S2 since the characteristic that has been evaluated is the durability.


Now it’s time to focus on the touch screen properties of the android phones that were stated. Both Samsung galaxy S2 and Samsung galaxy S3 have touch screen properties that are very fantastic. In S2, the buttons for the back, open and select options were separated from the screen menus for some reasons. And such characteristic remains the same in the S3. However, more additional options are already available in the S3 compared to its predecessor.

There’s a reason for the separation of the back, open and select buttons in the touch screen features of these android phones. But such thing remains a mystery for the consumers. In this part of comparison, the S3 succeeded because of the presence of additional surprises in its menu. Based on the comparisons that were discussed in this article, the consumers can automatically say the Samsung galaxy S2 and Samsung galaxy S3 have strong connections to each other. For those individuals who are searching for an android phone that can never be destroyed easily by hard impacts, choose the Samsung galaxy S2. And those who are interested to enjoy the latest innovations in the modern technology should go for the new Samsung galaxy S3.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 Disadvantages

Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 Disadvantages

Samsung Galaxy Tab has been the product in which it is regarded as the product boasts. This tablet from Samsung has been featuring ciamik with a cost that is not very expensive. This is one of the main reasons why many people across the globe appreciated preferred it over other tablets sold in the market.

Choosing a Product

When looking for a particular product such as a smartphone, it is always important to consider every small detail about that item. In this way, you will be able to distinguish whether it is worthy of your money, trust and recommendation. One common mistake of many people when buying certain products is that they only check the advantages and they no longer dare to check out the drawbacks. They are afraid that they might get disappointed with the item they wish to buy. However, they do not know that this will help them a lot in making reliable and practical decisions all throughout the process.

When you want to purchase Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, you should not only focus in the advantages it provides. You can also take a look at some of its disadvantages through reading its reviews from different sites and customers. This is an essential part of your personal judgment so that you will come up with the best product that you deserve.


To get started, take note of the following details given below and see how it can make significant changes to the way you use your device and to your daily lifestyle.

1. It comes with non replaceable battery.

2. The CPU clock speed has been limited to 1 GHz only.

3. Its camera does not have flash and only 3.2 MP rear camera.

4. No USB charging.

5. It does not have a long battery life.

6. It only has a VGA resolution front-facing camera.

7. The camera has been one of the disappointing parts of this tablet since it has a low quality camera.

Another issue on this Galaxy Tab 2 is on its SIM card slot and the ability to make calls or send MMS and SMS like using the phone. For other users, this can be an excess but for some, they judge it as the wasted feature.

On the Bright Side

The good thing about Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 is that it does not have a long list of disadvantages. With the price of $249, you can now obtain a version with Wi-Fi only 8GB device. When you want to take closer at its details, you can simply search the web and browse through a wide range of selection for the best online and local shops that are offering Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.

Try comparing the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 disadvantages with other tablets out there. In this way, you will have an idea whether these are only minor drawbacks. You may also consider the positive side and check whether it has a longer list compared to the disadvantages listed.